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Jun 26, 2019

Our friends and family can tell us their opinions on what to say, where to go, and what to do, but only we can know the lives we truly desire. However, many of us don’t take the time to be quiet so that we can come to know who we are and what we want.  We don't realize that through the quiet we can feel our passions,...

Jun 18, 2019

Most of us have had an unexpected or painful experience in our lives from which we’ve tried to mine lessons or morals to help us move forward. But sometimes we aren’t able to find true wisdom because we get stuck in the story of who or what hurt us. And then we use these stories to try to avoid the pain in...

Jun 10, 2019

Self-texting is therapeutic. Sit down and text yourself when your emotions are running high or when you need to express yourself without worrying about how it will make someone else feel. When you send the text to yourself (instead of the original intended recipient), you get the opportunity to not only say what you...

Jun 4, 2019

Over the course of a day, many of us accumulate all of the emotions we feel. We have trouble letting things go. In this podcast, I share a technique to help you put down the hurts, stresses, and disappointments even just for a moment so that you may enjoy what is in front of you. This technique will give you more space...